Expansion of Provincial Road No. 263 in Ślesin along with the Construction of a Bridge over the Ślesin Canal

Contract value: PLN 24,494,990.64 million gross
Completion date: July 14, 2026

On May 15, 2024, Mostostal Kielce S.A. signed a contract with the Wielkopolska Regional Roads Authority in Poznań for the execution of the project "Expansion of Provincial Road No. 263 in the town of Ślesin along with the construction of a bridge over the Ślesin Canal."

Provincial Road No. 263 runs through the Eastern Wielkopolska region, connecting Słupca and Dąbie. The investment is located at the junction of two lakes: Lake Ślesińskie and Lake Mikorzyńskie, forming the Ślesin Canal. The plan includes upgrading the road to class G over a length of approximately 350 meters within the vicinity of the bridge over the canal. The main component of the project is to replace the existing 70-year-old bridge with a new structure. The new bridge is designed as a single-span, arched construction with a lower deck. The deck consists of a steel framework combined with a reinforced concrete slab, suspended from two steel arches. In addition to the demolition of the old bridge and the construction of the new one, the project will include the construction of a temporary pedestrian footbridge, the reconstruction of the telecommunication network and street lighting, as well as the construction and reconstruction of stormwater drainage systems. The new bridge will feature not only the roadway but also a sidewalk and a bike path.

  • The gross value of the contract is PLN 24,494,990.64 million.
  • The completion date for the project is July 14, 2026.
  • The warranty period is 7 years.